Amazon Prime Video had announced the upcoming season of 'Paatal Lok' last year itself. It was announced a few days ago that its new season will be released in the first month of this year itself. In this series, the makers of the show have also started sharing new updates. Recently, a short teaser was released, which made it clear that Hathiram's journey to hell is going to continue. Now its trailer has also arrived and it is making it clear that this time the explosion is going to be much more than before. Hathiram, who visited 'Paatal Lok', is now becoming a permanent resident there and this time the story will spread from Delhi to Nagaland.
The story will take a different turn
Inspector Hathiram Chaudhary and IPS officer Imran Ansari team up once again for a strange new case and will enter the big league. Jaideep Ahlawat returns as the brave and bold hero. Whereas Ishwak Singh has been shown as his serious and gentle 'Sir'. It is shown in the trailer that Imran has now become an IPS officer and Hathiram has to take care of his behavior. Imran, who was once his companion, has now started receiving salutes and greetings from Hathiram. Meanwhile, he has also been assigned a new case in Nagaland.
Watch the trailer here
The show will be released on this day
Hathiram has to face dangerous people while investigating the disappearance of a migrant worker linked to a dangerous drug syndicate. Meanwhile, Hathi Ram is seen entangled in a dilemma, but he forgets it and starts investigating. This season goes deeper with their relationships on the brink and the truth more elusive than ever. This show is directed by Avinash Arun Dhawre. Tilottama Shome and Nagesh Kukunoor will be seen in this season. This series will stream on Amazon Prime Video on January 17. The first season of this show, which was released earlier, was a huge success and made Jaideep Ahlawat an overnight star.
Image Credit: India_Tv.