Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna starrer film 'Pushpa-2' has seen success at the box office. This film not only made waves in terms of earnings but also ruled the hearts of people. The film has completed 15 days of release and has become the biggest film of the year 2024 in terms of earnings. 'Pushpa-2' has so far earned Rs 1416 crore worldwide. The collection of the film in India has been Rs 990 crore. This has been the biggest film so far in terms of earnings in the year 2024. The craze for the film has also been seen extensively among the people.
An average of Rs 100 crore looted every day?
The first part of 'Pushpa-2' was released in 2021. The first part of this film was a superhit. The craze for this part was also seen from North to South. This film had earned around Rs 350 crores. After this, the audience was eagerly waiting for its second part. This year in 2024, 'Pushpa-2' was released and dominated the box office. The film surprised everyone by earning Rs 725 crore in the first week itself. After this, till now the film has made a worldwide collection of Rs 1416 crore in 15 days. The film has collected an average of Rs 100 crore every day. The collection of Pushpa-2 has made the makers rich.
Third part will come soon
Let us tell you that a plan was made to release this film in 3 parts. The first part of the film was a hit and the second part did well at the box office. After 'Pushpa: The Begin', 'Pushpa: The Rule' has also been liked a lot by the people. Now the third and last part of this film is also getting ready for the audience. The name of this film will be 'Pushpa – The Rampage'. However, the release date of this film has not been announced yet. But more information may be revealed soon.
Image Credit: India_Tv.