AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha celebrated his birthday yesterday. He had reached Kashi for this special occasion and also performed Ganga Aarti. Wife Parineeti Chopra was seen with him on this special occasion. Parineeti Chopra left no stone unturned to make her husband's birthday special on Instagram on Monday. Parineeti has shared a special post for Raghav Chaddha on his birthday. In her emotional message, Parineeti thanked Raghav for teaching her how to be strong, the value of emotional stability and the true meaning of respect and love.
The actress did a special post
Addressing Raghav lovingly as 'Raagai', Parineeti Chopra wrote, 'Happy birthday to my Ragai. Your kindness, honesty, patience and maturity inspire me to be a better person every day. You graciously lead me and teach me to be strong, the value of emotional stability and the true meaning of respect and love. I promise to never stop learning from you. Gentlemen like you don't get made anymore. I'm glad God gave me the best of them (besides, amidst all this decency, how are you really the biggest jokester?? Chupaarustam).' Parineeti also posted a cute video showing her and Raghav's candid moments. The clip shows how the couple is madly in love with each other despite being completely different from each other.
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The wedding took place on this day
Parineeti and Raghav got married last year at the Leela Palace Hotel in Udaipur, Rajasthan on September 4. Only close friends and family members were present in it. Parineeti had invited only selected people from the film industry. Many people associated with politics had attended the wedding. Recently, the couple celebrated their first wedding anniversary in Maldives. Parineeti Chopra also shared a special post for her husband Raghav on their anniversary, which read, 'We spent a quiet day yesterday, where it was just the two of us. We read the congratulatory messages sent by all of you, we are grateful for your good wishes. Ragai- I don't know what I have done in my previous birth and this birth to get you.
Parineeti was seen in this film
Let us tell you, Parineeti Chopra was last seen in 'Amar Singh Chamkila'. This film was produced by Imtiaz Ali. She played the role of Diljit Dosanjh's wife in this film. This film was streamed only on the OTT platform Netflix.
Image Credit: India_Tv.