The crime-thriller 'Paatal Lok', which released on Prime Video in the year 2020, entertained the audience a lot. The audience got to see many twists and turns in this crime-thriller, which left the audience surprised. Artists like Jaideep Ahlawat and Abhishek Banerjee were seen in this series. Now the makers are preparing to take this series forward. Yes, after four years, the second season of this superhit crime-thriller series of 2020 has been announced. The makers have released the first look of the series, after seeing which the fans have also become very excited.
Makers ready for new season of Paatal Lok
The makers have officially announced the most awaited season 2 of 'Paatal Lok'. The teaser of Paatal Lok 2 shows more troubles and dangers for Inspector Hathi Ram Choudhary, played by Jaideep Ahlawat. In the short clip of Paatal Lok 2 shared by Prime Video India, it has been told through the tagline itself that this season is going to be even more dangerous. This season has been given the tagline – “The Door to Hell Open Soon”.
Paatal Lok 2 will launch soon
In the promo video, it can be seen that some attackers attack Inspector Hathi Ram Chaudhary. In this attack, the elephant Ram gets injured in his ear and he is stunned and blood starts coming out from his ear. He tries to escape somehow, but the attacking elephants still catch Ram. The next promo is even more intense, which increases the excitement. One thing is clear from the teaser that the second season of Paatal Lok is going to be even more dangerous than the first.
Makers gave a hint about Paatal Lok 2
Apart from this, the makers have also given a hint in the teaser. Actually, in the beginning of the video, 'XV.XII.XCVII' is seen written on Hathi Ram's hand, which is increasing people's interest even more. People are eager to know what message the makers want to convey to the audience through this.
Image Credit: India_Tv.