The accused who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been caught and has been sent to police custody for 5 days. Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai at 2:00 am on January 16, in which the actor was badly injured. After the attack, the actor reached Lilavati Hospital in a blood-soaked condition at 3:00 am, where he was admitted. The condition of the actor is currently stable and after 3 days of struggle, the police has also arrested the accused, other information related to which has now come to light.
The accused was planning to flee to Bangladesh
The birth certificate of Shariful, the accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan, has come out, according to which he is a resident of Jhalokathi, Bangladesh. Along with this, it has also been revealed that the accused had planned to flee to Bangladesh as soon as possible. But, before he could execute his plan, he was caught by the police and his plan to escape to Bangladesh was ruined.
tried to mislead the police
Mumbai Police held a press conference on this matter and told how action has been taken on this matter so far. Meanwhile, the police revealed that the accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan has been arrested. This arrest was made from Thane. The accused was living in Mumbai by changing his identity. When caught, Saif's attacker tried to mislead the police by giving different names. At present his name has been revealed and investigation has found that the accused is a resident of Bangladesh.
Saif is recovering
Talking about Saif Ali Khan's health, the actor is currently out of danger and is recovering. The actor has undergone surgery and is still undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital. The actor has been shifted from ICU to the normal ward, where he is still under the observation of doctors. Kareena and the rest of the family are continuously reaching the hospital to meet him. It is known that on January 16, late at night, the actor was attacked with a sharp knife by an unknown person who had entered his house with the intention of stealing.
Image Credit: India_Tv.