Police are continuously making revelations in Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan case. New and big updates are coming out one after the other. Now Mumbai Police held a press conference on this matter and told what action has been taken so far. Police also revealed that the accused in this case has also been arrested. This arrest has been made from Thane. The arrested accused was living in Mumbai by changing his identity. When caught, he tried to mislead the police and gave different names. At present his name has been revealed and initial investigation has found that the accused is a resident of Bangladesh.
This is the real identity
The arrested accused was living in the name of Vijaydas. He does not have any Indian documents which can prove that he is an Indian resident. Police suspect that he is a native of Bangladesh. At present, the police has revealed the name of the accused in this case. Mumbai Police has confirmed that the accused was using multiple names including Vijay Das, Bijoy Das and Mohammad Ilyas. Now it has come to light that his real name is Shehzad. The accused had entered with the intention of stealing. The accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan is currently kept in Khar police station in Mumbai. Due to fear of being caught, he was giving his false name as Vijay Das. The accused worked as a housekeeping employee in Mumbai.
the phone was switched off
More information on this matter has not been revealed yet. Police claim that they will make many more revelations soon. The accused was working at different places in Mumbai and Thane for the last seven-eight months. He had also switched off his phone due to fear of arrest.
Saif is recovering
Talking about Saif Ali Khan's health, he is currently out of danger. The actor has also undergone surgery. His treatment is still going on at Lilavati Hospital. He is recovering fast and the doctors in the special ward are taking special care of him. Kareena and the rest of the family are continuously reaching the hospital to meet him. Let us tell you that late on Thursday night, the actor was attacked with a sharp knife by an unknown person who had entered his house with the intention of stealing. The actor was attacked at six places.
Image Credit: India_Tv.