Bollywood actress Tabu is currently busy shooting for her upcoming film Bhoot Bangla. Director Priyadarshan's film is set in Rajasthan and its scenes are being filmed here. Now Tabu has shared a new update from the film's set. Tabu shared a picture on her Instagram. In which Tabu told that a shooting schedule of the film has been completed. Sharing this photo, Tabu wrote, 'Pose ending the schedule.' Let us know that 'Bhoot Bangla' is in the discussion to return to the screen of Priyadarshan and Akshay Kumar after a long gap. The pair has earlier given blockbuster films like 'Hera Pheri', 'Bhagam Bhag', 'Garam Masala', 'De Dana Dan' and 'Bhool Bhulaiya'.
After 25 years, Akshay and Tabu's reunion will also be seen in the film. The two were last seen together in 'Hera Pheri'. Bhoot Bungalow is produced by Shobha Kapoor and Ekta R Kapoor's Balaji Telefilms and Akshay Kumar's Production House, Cape of Good Films. The film is set for release in theaters on 2 April 2026. Tabu was last seen as Sister Franceska in the web series 'Dune: Professi', in which she plays Sister Franceska, a powerful bene Gacerit and Emperor Javikkko Korrino's ex -girlfriend, which is portrayed by Mark Strong. The series also discovered the past of his character, in which Charitra Chandran is playing the role of a small Franceska. Josh Houston's Constantine is Franceska and the illegitimate son of Emperor.
Akshay Kumar's career will get new direction?
'Bhoot Bungalow' has once again become an enthusiastic film for the audience. The superhit couple of Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan are returning to the screen once again. There is a lot of craze among people about both. Now it has to be seen whether this film can play its magic at the box office or not. The story of the film is being told as horror comedy. Paresh Rawal will also be seen playing an important role in the film with Akshay Kumar. Recently, on the festival of Makar Sankranti, Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal were seen flying kites on the set of Bhoot Bungalow. Akshay Kumar himself shared a video of this on his Instagram. Now once again the audience has hopes of an entertaining film from Akshay Kumar.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.