Bollywood star Sunil Shetty's beloved son Ahan Shetty is also looking for a place in the film world like his father. Ahan Shetty made his Bollywood debut with the 2021 film Tadap. Now Ahaan is going to be seen in 'Border-2', the next part of his father's superhit film 'Border'. Diljit Dosanjh will also be seen sharing the screen with Ahan Shetty in this film. Ahaan's father Sunil Shetty has also expressed happiness over his son working with Diljit. Last Thursday, Sunil Shetty had reached Amritsar with his wife Manyata. Here Sunil Shetty reached Sri Darbar Sahib Gurudwara (Golden Temple) and paid obeisance. Also, while talking to the media, Ahaan expressed happiness on working with Diljit. Sunil Shetty said, 'I am happy because along with Diljit, Ahaan is also getting a chance to work in the film Border 2. So if the son is working then I am both happy and if he is known internationally then the blessings will always be there. And I would like to become a bigger star.
Ahaan had expressed happiness on doing the film Border
Let us tell you that Ahan Shetty had shared the information about being cast in the film Border on 3 October 2024 last year. Ahan Shetty had made a social media post regarding this. In which there was an announcing video of the film 'Border-2'. Posting this video, Ahaan had written, 'Border is more than a film. It's a feeling, like a dream come true. Amazing how the dimensions of life work. The story of Border film started 29 years ago. My mother used to go to the film sets to meet my father. At that time I was in my mother's womb. I grew up under the shadow of OP Dutta's legacy of stories. I never realized how those moments sowed the seeds of my interest in cinema and films. Now I cannot stop being proud of being a part of Border-2. Heartfelt thanks to JP uncle for holding my hand. I hope I make you proud. Bhushan Sir, thank you for trusting me.
Will the son's career be after his father?
The film 'Border', released on 13 June 1997, is one of the best films of Sunil Shetty's career. This film took Sunil Shetty to a special level of fame. This film of director JP Dutta was a superhit at the box office. Made with a budget of Rs 10 crore, this film had earned more than Rs 63 crore. The worldwide collection of this film was more than Rs 65 crores. Many big actors including Sunny Deol, Jackie Shroff, Rakhi, Akshay Khanna were seen in the film along with Sunil Shetty. Now the next part of this film is going to be made. Which has been announced. Varun Dhawan, Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh and Ahan Shetty have been cast in important roles in this film. This film will be released in 2026.
Image Credit: India_Tv.