Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty is busy shooting for his upcoming series these days. Recently Sunil Shetty got injured while suiting. After which the shooting had to be stopped. The news of Sunil Shetty's injury had troubled his fans too. Now Sunil Shetty has given relief news for the fans. He has also given his health update. Posting a story on his Instagram, Sunil Shetty wrote, 'There was a small injury, which has healed. I am absolutely fine now and ready to shoot again. Thank you for so much love and support. Let us tell you that recently Sunil Shetty got injured during the action scene of his OTT series. After which he has now recovered.
Strong body and cool action even at the age of 63
Sunil Shetty has been dominant in Bollywood for 3 decades. Sunil Shetty, who started his career as an action hero in the 90s, has given many superhit films. Sunil Shetty has done strong work in films ranging from action to romance and drama. Now at the age of 63, even newcomer actors look pale in front of Sunil Shetty's amazing body. Sunil Shetty is still seen doing action on screen. According to IMDB, Sunil Shetty is busy shooting for 16 projects these days. Some of these are films and some OTT series.
Sunil Shetty
Along with films, he works in series and reality shows.
Sunil Shetty keeps participating in other projects along with films. Sunil Shetty's magic has been seen many times in reality shows also. Sunil Shetty has also worked with Madhuri Dixit in the dancing reality show. Sunil Shetty is also active in OTT series along with films. Along with this, he is also seen hosting TV reality shows.
Image Credit: India_Tv.