Many characters of Ramanand Sagar's mythological serial 'Ramayana' remain in the news even today. Even though years have passed since this serial started, this serial and its characters still live in the hearts of the viewers. Especially Arun Govil who played the role of Lord Ram, Deepika Chikhalia who played the role of Mother Sita or Sunil Lahiri who played the role of Laxman. All the characters of Ramayana are often popular on social media. Meanwhile, actress Anjali, who appeared in the role of Urmila in the serial, is also in the news.
Sunil Lahiri shared the video of Urmila from Ramayana.
Recently, Sunil Lahiri had introduced Anjali to the fans after years and now he has shared another video of the actress on social media, which has created a stir on social media. The modern avatar of the actress is being seen in this video and fans are shocked after seeing her look. Sunil Lahiri has shared this video on Instagram a few hours ago, in which the modern avatar of Anjali, who played the role of Urmila in Ramayana, can be seen.
Sunil Lahiri showed Anjali's modern avatar
In the video, Sunil says- 'Jai Ram ji friends, I am going to introduce you to the new modern, new look Australian Urmila ji i.e. Anjali ji in 2025. You have met him before in 2024 and must have seen him in Ramayana. Now let us introduce you to the changed form of Urmila ji i.e. Anjali ji. After this Anjali is seen in the video. Anjali was seen dancing on the song of Pushpa 2 in a black short dress, on which users are now reacting fiercely.
Users' reactions to Anjali's video
At the end of the video, Sunil Lahiri says- 'You guys saw, Jai Shri Ram.' In the caption of the video, he wrote – 'So you guys saw Anjali ji i.e. Urmila ji of Ramayana. First you saw him in the Ramayan look and then in 2024 and now in 2025 in the new modern Australian look. However, mostly positive comments are being seen on this video. However, there are some users who started targeting Sunil Lahiri for sharing this video and said that he should not have shared this video of Anjali.
Image Credit: India_Tv.