A very sad news has come out from the Bhojpuri cinema world. Well-known film actor and producer Sudeep Pandey passed away on Wednesday. The cause of death of Sudeep Pandey is said to be heart attack. This news has created a wave of mourning in the Bhojpuri industry and the actor's fans are also heartbroken. Sudeep Pandey's name has been included among the well-known and successful actors of Bhojpuri cinema, who said goodbye to this world today i.e. on 15th January.
Fans shocked by the news of Sudeep Pandey's demise
Sudeep Pandey breathed his last in Mumbai. The news of his death has left his fans disappointed and disappointed. Many Bhojpuri stars on social media mourned the demise of Sudeep Pandey and paid tribute to him.
Fans are paying tribute
After the information about Sudeep Pandey's demise came to light, many of his fans are paying tribute to him by commenting on his pictures on social media. Certainly, the demise of the Bhojpuri actor is no less than a big shock for the entire Bhojpuri industry. It is being told that the actor suffered a heart attack when he was shooting for his upcoming film 'Paro Patna'.
Worked in many Bhojpuri films
After studying engineering, Sudeep worked in a software company for some time. But, to become an actor, he turned to Bhojpuri cinema and started his career with 'Bhojpuri Bhaiya'. Talking about his films, he worked in films like Dharti Ka Beta, Jeena Sirf Tere Liye, Bhojpuriya Daroga, Sautan, Hamar Lalkar, Nathuniya Pe Goli Mare and Hamar Sangi Bajrangbali. Apart from this, he has also been the brand ambassador of Bihar Tourism.
Image Credit: India_Tv.