'Pushpa 2' actor Allu Arjun's troubles are showing no signs of ending. Allu Arjun's troubles have increased after the death of a woman in the stampede at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad. After Allu Arjun, now the actor's family is also facing problems in this matter. On Sunday, a group of miscreants attacked Allu Arjun's residence and vandalized it. During the incident, these miscreants entered inside the premises and vandalized it, due to which there was chaos at Allu Arjun's residence in Hyderabad. This incident has troubled Allu Arjun a lot and now it seems the actor is worried about his family too. After this incident, the actor has taken a big step regarding the family.
Allu Arjun's children forced to leave home!
Allu Arjun has sent his children Allu Arha and Allu Aayan from their home in Hyderabad to some other place after the attack in the house. Some protesters, demanding justice for the woman who died in the stampede outside Sandhya theatre, vandalized outside Allu Arjun's house on Sunday. These attackers have been identified as members of Osmania University Joint Action Committee (OU-JAC), who damaged the property of the Telugu superstar. After the attack, Allu Arjun has sent the children to a safe place.
Fans' reaction to the attacks on Allu Arjun's house
A video of Allu Arjun's kids has surfaced online in which Allu Arha and Allu Ayaan can be seen sitting in a car with some other family members and leaving the house. On the other hand, Allu Arjun's fans are also angry after this attack. Through social media, fans of the Telugu superstar expressed their support for him and expressed their displeasure over the attack on his house, due to which the actor's name started trending on social media as well.
Allu Arjun did not respond
Although Allu Arjun has not yet commented on the protest and attack outside his house, but his father and filmmaker Allu Aravind definitely spoke to the media on Sunday night and expressed concern and displeasure over the attack on his house. of. Condemning the attack, he said that such incidents should not be encouraged at all.
Image Credit: India_Tv.