Actor Saif Ali Khan was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in critical condition. It was told that the actor was attacked with a knife. This accident happened at his residence itself, where an unknown person had entered with the intention of stealing. During this time he was attacked with a sharp knife. Now the actor is undergoing treatment in the hospital. Police is also taking strict action in this matter. During the investigation, interrogation has also been started. Now the police and hospital administration have issued their statement on this matter. The actor's team has also shared information related to this. This incident is said to have happened late at night around 2.30 am.
The hospital gave information
Lilavati Hospital has also issued a statement regarding the attack on Saif Ali Khan. It tells how serious the actor's condition is and which parts of his body have been attacked by the police. According to the hospital, Saif Ali Khan has been attacked at 6 places and the actor has suffered deep injuries at 2 places on his body. The neck and spinal cord have been attacked with a knife. According to the report on ANI, the actor will undergo surgery.
Police issued statement
Police has reached Saif Ali Khan's house. Police has reached Saif Ali Khan's house in Bandra. The police will interrogate the staff of the house in this matter. The police have identified the attacker. The picture of the attacker was revealed from CCTV. Mumbai Police's statement regarding the attack on Saif has also come out. Police say that the attack on the actor is under investigation. An unknown person had entered Saif Ali Khan's house. There was a scuffle with the actor. A statement has also been issued by Saif Ali Khan's team. The team says that there has been an attempt at theft in the house. Fans have been appealed to maintain patience.
Kareena was not at home
The actor's wife Kareena Kapoor was not at home during this incident. The actress has gone on holiday abroad. At present, he is expected to return soon after this incident. Let us tell you, the actor was last seen in 'Devra Part 1'. Junior NTR was in the lead role with her in the film. The actor played a negative character, which was also liked a lot.
Image Credit: India_Tv.