Television actor Charith Balappa, best known for his role in the serial 'Muddulakshmi', has been arrested on charges of sexual harassment, assault, extortion and criminal intimidation. The 29-year-old actress alleged that he forced her into a relationship, threatened to leak her private photos and beat her brutally. Police arrested Charith Balappa after registering a case citing multiple offenses under the Indian Judicial Code. Police is engaged in the investigation of this incident which has been going on for a year.
Actor arrested in sexual harassment case
Charitha Balappa has acted in Kannada and Telugu serials, in which 'Muddulakshmi' has been much talked about. Charith Balappa is accused of sexually assaulting his girlfriend. An actress has accused Charit of cheating and forcing her to have physical relations. Charit along with his associates entered the house where the girl was staying and harassed her. He has also accused him of demanding money. Police confirmed on Friday that the arrest was made following a complaint lodged by a 29-year-old actress.
Sensational revelation about Charith Balappa
The victim said in her complaint that Charith Balappa had threatened to leak her personal photos and videos if she did not pay the money. The surprising thing was that Charit was already divorced. She further said in her complaint that she had met him in 2017. Despite that, he used to force other girls to have physical relations with him. Not only this, a complaint was filed against the TV actor in the police station in June 2024 for having an affair with his ex-wife even after divorce.
These legal sections were imposed on Charit Balappa
According to the FIR, the woman accused the divorced actor of mentally torturing and assaulting her, saying he even threatened to kill her. Based on the complaint, a case was registered at Rajarajeshwari Nagar police station under sections of voluntarily causing hurt, extortion, criminal intimidation, harassing, sexual harassment and other sections of the Indian Justice Code.
Image Credit: India_Tv.