Sonakshi Sinha is in the news these days for a different reason. The actress recently dropped such a bomb on her social media, due to which everything went up in smoke. While sharing an Instagram post, Sonakshi slammed Mukesh Khanna for his statement in which he had raised questions about his knowledge and upbringing. Seeing this domineering style of Sonakshi, Shaktiman Mukesh Khanna also took a U-turn and immediately gave clarification. Along with this he also said that his intention was not to disappoint Sonakshi or her family. Now Sonakshi has also targeted the double minded people working in the industry.
Sonakshi's anger over double mentality
Sonakshi Sinha told in an interview given to Zoom that women are judged a lot in the industry. Male artists do not face the same pressure that female artists go through. During this, she revealed that once an actor had refused to work with her, that too saying that she looked older than him. After this statement of Sonakshi, everyone wants to know which actor the actress is talking about.
Actor refused to work with Sonakshi
Talking about this, Sonakshi said- 'There is no that pressure on male actors. When he romances an actress 30 years younger than him, he is not age-shamed. They are also not judged for their enlarged belly or less hair. But, I had to deal with actors who were older than me and they told me that I looked older than them. I want to thank them. I don't want to work with people who have such a mentality.
Who is the actor?
Ever since Sonakshi's statement, fans have started trying to find out who she is talking about. However, the actress has not taken the name of any actor in her statement. The actress has earlier also spoken openly on issues like fat shame and age shaming.
Image Credit: India_Tv.