The festival of Makar Sankranti was celebrated across the country yesterday. Bollywood stars also participated in the festival and celebrated Makar Sankranti and Lohri with enthusiasm. On this occasion, Akshay Kumar flew a kite with Paresh Rawal at Bhoot Bungalow. So Shilpa Shetty wished her mother a happy Makar Sankranti by feeding her laddus. Along with this, another Bollywood couple Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda, who are celebrating their first Lohri after marriage, have also shared cute pictures with fans. Fans have also congratulated him on these pictures. Along with this, Sunny Deol has also congratulated his fans on Lohri.
Kite flew on Akshay Kumar's haunted bungalow
These days Akshay Kumar is shooting for his horror comedy film 'Bhoot Bangla'. Priyadarshan is directing the film. Paresh Rawal is also going to be seen in the film. These days the shooting of the film is taking place in Rajasthan. It was here that Akshay Kumar celebrated the festival of Makar Sankranti and flew a kite on the rooftop of the bungalow itself. On this special occasion, Paresh Rawal was seen pulling the string of the kite. Akshay Kumar himself has congratulated the fans on Makar Sankranti by sharing a video of it.
Shilpa Shetty fed laddu to her mother
Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty also celebrated the festival of Makar Sankranti in a special way. Shilpa posted a picture on her Instagram. In which first of all Shilpa Shetty is worshiping God and offering him Prasad. After this, she is feeding laddus to her mother Sunanda Shetty. By posting these pictures, Shilpa Shetty has also congratulated the fans on Makar Sankranti.
Sunny Deol shared Lohri photo
Sunny Deol has also shared pictures of Lohri with his fans. Sunny Deol is seen in shirt and pants outside his house. Sunny Deol, sitting on the bench here, has shared the picture of Lohri and congratulated him on Lohri. On this picture of Sunny Deol, the fans also congratulated him.
Along with this, Bollywood couple Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat, who are celebrating their first Lohri after marriage, have also shared pictures with their family. Kriti and Pulkit have shared their photos in these pictures. While sharing these pictures, Kriti wrote, 'Very cute! Our first Lohri. Both their fans have also congratulated them.
Image Credit: India_Tv.