Bhojpuri industry's most beautiful actress Shubhi Sharma and famous singer Ritesh Pandey are making a lot of headlines these days. The chemistry and romance of both has made the fans crazy. The hit song 'Meri Jalti Jawani Maange Paani Paani' from Bhojpuri film 'Zinda Dil' is making waves on social media. Their chemistry and charming style has created a stir and their songs are being discussed everywhere. Everyone is liking Shubhi Sharma's mesmerizing style in the bold purple dress. This is not the first time that Shubhi Sharma's songs have created such a stir.
This song of Ritesh Pandey is creating a stir
The hit song 'Meri Jalti Jawaani Maange Paani Paani' has been sung by Tish Pandey and Priyanka Singh together in their own voices. S Kumar has written its lyrics. S Kumar has given its music. You can watch this hit song on Enter10 Rangeela channel on YouTube. The chemistry of Ritesh Pandey and Shubhi Sharma in the song has once again won the hearts of their fans. If you have not seen this song yet then watch it without any delay. His singing and acting are very much liked by the fans of Bhojpuri cinema.
Ritesh Pandey's personal-professional life
This song has received millions of views on social media. Bhojpuri singer and actor Ritesh Pandey is always in the news because of his songs. He started his film journey in the year 2014. On May 14, 2021, he married Vaishali Pandey. The couple also has a son. Ritesh Pandey's songs trend a lot on YouTube and social media. Ritesh Pandey has gained recognition with great songs like 'Piyawa Se Pahele Hamar Rahlu' and 'Hello Kaun'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.