Tollywood actor Adivi Shesh is celebrating his 40th birthday today. On his birthday, the actor did something which surprised his fans. The actor recently shared the poster of his upcoming film Dacoit, in which fans were surprised to see the new beauty. Shruti Haasan was going to be seen in this love story directed by Shanial Dev, but now in the poster instead of Shruti, Mrinal Thakur was seen and seeing this, Shruti Haasan's fans are surprised and Mrinal's fans are happy.
Makers released two posters
The makers have released two posters, in the first Adivi Shesh is seen in a serious mood while Mrunal is looking at him sadly. In the second poster, the Seetha Ramam actress can be seen in a fierce look with a gun in her hand. Both the posters of Dacoit: A Love Story have been well received by fans.
dacoit story
The story of Dacoit: A Love Story revolves around former lovers who are forced to reunite for a series of daring heists that ultimately change the course of their lives. In Dacoit, Adivi plays the character of an angry criminal who plans to take revenge from his ex-girlfriend after she cheats on him.
Shooting of the film is going on in Hyderabad
The film is produced by Supriya Yarlagadda, co-produced by Sunil Narang and presented by Annapurna Studios. The film is being shot simultaneously in Hindi and Telugu. The story and screenplay is written by Adivi Shesh and Shaniyal Dev. The shooting of the film is currently going on in Hyderabad. After this, one more schedule is yet to be shot in Maharashtra.
Mrinal replaced Shruti
Shruti Haasan was first cast in the film Dacoit. But today after the release of the poster it has become clear that Mrinal has replaced Shruti in this film. Speaking about the film, Mrinal said that the dacoit story is true to its essence, a great way to tell a desi story, enhanced by the ideas of both Adivasi and Shenil Dev. The Seetha Ramam actress said, “The character I am going to play in the film will give me an opportunity to play a character that I have never played before as an actor.”
Image Credit: India_Tv.