When comedy king director Priyadarshan announced the film 'Bhoot Bangla', the fans were happy. After Hera Pheri and Bhool Bhulaiya, now Priyadarshan is going to be seen pairing with Akshay Kumar once again. Priyadarshan is making the film 'Bhoot Bangla', the shooting of which has started. Tabu can also be seen with Akshay Kumar in the film. Tabu has shared pictures from the sets of the film. While sharing this picture, Tabu wrote, 'We are locked here. Scene number 83, shot number 5 and take number 1.
The film may be released in 2026
Let us tell you that Bhoot Bangla film can be released next year in 2026. However, the release date of this film has not been announced yet. The film is being made by Priyadarshan who is a master in the world of comedy and has given many masterpiece films. Priyadarshan's films have not only been a hit at the box office but also remain in the hearts of people. Before this, he has directed many excellent films like Bhool Bhulaiyaa, Hera Pheri, Chup Chupke and Malamaal Weekly. Priyadarshan's pairing with Akshay Kumar has been amazing. Both the actor-director together have made the audience laugh a lot. Now once again Akshay Kumar is going to be seen in Bhoot Bangla.
This will be the star cast of the film
Let us tell you that no release date of the film has been announced yet. But it is being said that the film may be released next year in 2026. Tabu can also be a part of this film. According to IMDB, Rajpal Yadav, Vamika Gabbi and Rajpal Yadav are going to be seen in important roles in the film along with Akshay Kumar. Now it has to be seen how much Akshay is able to show his magic on the audience.
Image Credit: India_Tv.