Bollywood superstar Salman Khan stayed in Jamnagar for the past several days, but last night he was seen leaving for Mumbai. The actor was spotted at Jamnagar Airport with high security. He also congratulated the paparazzi present outside the airport by saying Happy New Year. Meanwhile, another video surfaced which is winning everyone's hearts. After watching this video, people have to say that even today Salman Khan takes special care of his fans. Well, the actor's love for children is not hidden. He is often seen showering love on small children. Exactly the same happened at Jamnagar Airport also. Salman Khan won the hearts of his fans by meeting one of his fans.
Video going viral
In the video that has surfaced, you can see that Salman Khan is entering the Jamnagar Airport when a woman comes to him with a little girl in her lap. The actor shakes hands with her and then moves inside, caressing the girl's head. After watching this video, people are saying that even after high security, they did not ignore the girl. A fan who watched the video wrote, 'May you live for thousands of years, this is my prayer Salman Bhai.' Another fan wrote, 'That's why we love Bhaijaan so much.' One person wrote, 'Brother is an angel.'
Watch video here
Ambani family celebrated Bhaijaan's birthday
Let us tell you, Salman Khan celebrated his birthday on 27th December with Ambani family and friends. After the birthday celebrations, Salman Khan stayed in Jamnagar for the New Year celebrations. Salman Khan turned 59 on December 27 and the Ambani family organized a grand party for him. Many videos and pictures of the celebration with his family members and friends went viral on social media. The actor also visited Jamnagar Mall with Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant.
Will be seen in 'Sikander'
Talking about work, Salman Khan will be seen in director AR Murugadoss's upcoming film 'Sikander'. He will share the screen with Rashmika Mandanna in this film, which is slated for a grand release on Eid 2025. The teaser of the film was to be released on the occasion of his birthday, but was shared two days later. Satyaraj, Kajal Aggarwal, Prateik Babbar and Sharman Joshi will also be seen in important roles in the film.
Image Credit: India_Tv.