Both the sons of Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are very cute and remain in the limelight. The cuteness of younger son Jeh wins people's hearts every day. Now recently, a video of Kareena Kapoor and son Jeh is going viral on social media, in which both mother and son are looking excited. Kareena Kapoor was recently seen at her son Jeh's school function with husband Saif Ali Khan and elder son Taimur. A video of him cheering for Jeh went viral on social media. In this, Kareena Kapoor was seen jumping and cheering up her son. After watching this, people were reminded of Anjali from 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham'.
Mom Kareena looked excited
Now this video is viral on social media and it has been shared by an ex-user. In this video that has surfaced, Jeh is seen in a gray colored elephant costume. They are seen doing group dance by waving hands. A cute smile can also be seen on his face. Kareena Kapoor, sitting in the audience, is cheering up her son. Kareena is seen jumping on her seat waving her hand. Kareena is not only feeling proud of her son, but she is also very excited. On the other hand, Saif Ali Khan was capturing the moment on his phone with Taimur in his lap.
Watch video here
People's reaction after seeing Kareena Kapoor
Many fans praised Jeh's charming stage presence and his stellar performance in the spotlight, while others were reminded of Anjali from 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham'. One user wrote, 'I immediately remembered Anjali from K3G. And for some reason Jeh also looks like Krish. Another wrote, 'Kareena has turned into real life Anjali.' Another fan commented, 'She's a really enthusiastic mom, it's lovely to see how interested she is in Jeh's life.' Another comment read, 'After watching that video of Kareena Jeh, I suddenly want to become a mother.'
Kareena was seen in these films
Let us tell you, Kareena Kapoor's little one is about to turn four years old. He will turn four years old in February. Jeh is four years younger than Taimur. There is a lot of love between both the sons. Talking about the actress's work, this year was very good for the actress. The actress showed the magic of her acting in three powerful films. Kareena Kapoor started the year with 'Crew'. After this she was seen in 'Buckingham Palace'. His acting in the film was appreciated. Right after this, the actress also left her mark in 'Singham Again'.
Image Credit: India_Tv.