Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife at his Bandra residence late night. An unknown person entered their house with the intention of stealing. The thief also managed to escape from the spot after the attack. After this incident, the actor was taken to the hospital and the police was also informed about the incident. Police is busy investigating the matter. On the other hand, the actor's treatment is also continuing in Lilavati Hospital. The actor suffered serious injuries in many parts of his body, due to which he underwent surgery, which was successful. After this the actor has been shifted to ICU. It is being told that now he is out of danger. Family members are also reaching the hospital to meet him.
How is the actor's condition?
Saif Ali Khan's surgery has been completed. Cosmetic surgery has also been done. He has been shifted to ICU under the supervision of doctors. He may also be discharged from the hospital by tomorrow. A statement issued by the family said, 'They are out of danger. At present, he is in a state of recovery and doctors are monitoring his progress. All the family members are safe and the police are investigating the incident. We would like to thank Dr. Neeraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr. Leena Jain and the team at Lilavati Hospital. Thanks to all his fans and well-wishers for their prayers and thoughts during this difficult time.
attacked at 6 places
Lilavati Hospital had earlier also issued a statement regarding the attack on Saif Ali Khan in which it had told where he had suffered injuries. According to the hospital, Saif Ali Khan was attacked at 6 places and the actor suffered deep injuries at 2 places on his body. The neck and spinal cord were attacked with a knife.
Police investigation continues
Police initially suspect that the accused who attacked Saif had entered the house with the intention of stealing. Mumbai Police has formed a total of 10 local and crime branch teams to investigate the attack on Saif. Police claim that this case will be solved in 4 to 5 hours and the suspect will also be revealed.
Image Credit: India_Tv.