Saif Ali Khan was attacked on 16 January. He was stabbed six times, after which he was admitted to Lilavati Hospital. Doctors told that the actor's condition is already fine. Meanwhile, now sensitive information related to Saif Ali Khan's medical insurance has been leaked on social media, which shows that the Bollywood actor had made an insurance claim of Rs 35.98 lakh. A doctor revealed that such a huge amount would never be sanctioned to a common man by any health insurance company.
Saif Ali Khan's insurance details leaked
After Saif Ali Khan's medical insurance documents were leaked, it was revealed that the actor had made a mediclaim of Rs 35.98 lakh. Out of this, Rs 25 lakh has been approved for him. The surprising thing was that along with the details of Saif's hospital bill, some of his sensitive information has also been leaked like Saif Ali Khan's member ID, what was the treatment, which category is the room and when will he be discharged. Will be. According to these details, Saif Ali Khan will be discharged on January 21.
When will Saif Ali Khan be discharged?
Mumbai-based cardiac surgeon Dr. Prashant Mishra, while talking about the insurance policy of the common people, talked about their problems and said that the health insurance company Niva Bupa will never allow the common man to approve more than Rs 5 lakh for such treatments. Will not do. In a post on All 5-star hospitals are only charging money and mediclaim companies are also paying. The result – premiums are rising and the middle class is suffering.'
saif ali khan health update
The doctor said that Saif's condition is now better than before. He is responding well to treatment and recovering. He is still being monitored, but his health is much better than before.
Image Credit: India_Tv.