Police is taking swift action in the case of attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The police have achieved great success and the accused has been arrested. Police have arrested an accused related to this case from Thane. The identity of the arrested accused has also now come to light. The accused was continuously hiding his identity. For this he had switched off his phone. Even after being caught, he was misleading the police by giving different names. At present, the police has revealed the name of the accused in this case and has also made it known where he hails from.
Misled the police like this
Mumbai Police has confirmed that the accused was using multiple names including Vijay Das, Bijoy Das and Mohammad Ilyas. The accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan is currently kept in Khar police station in Mumbai. The name of the accused is Mohammad Shahzad. Due to fear of being caught, he was giving his false name as Vijay Das. The accused worked as a housekeeping staff at Ricky's Bar in Thane. Mumbai Police team has caught the accused. The accused is a Bangladeshi citizen.
This step was taken due to fear of arrest
Initial information has revealed that the accused was working at different places in Mumbai and Thane for the last seven-eight months. For the past few days, he was working at a construction site with a contractor named Pandey. After the incident, he was continuously watching news channels and tracking the activities of the police. He had also switched off his phone due to fear of arrest. It is clear from these things that the accused is very clever and he committed this crime with full intelligence and now he was also trying his best to escape from the police.
When and how did the incident happen?
Let us tell you that Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked on the night of 16 January between 2 to 2.30 am. According to the information received, the accused had intruded into their house with the intention of theft. He entered the room of his son Jahangir and then caught the maid present there. During this time, when Actup went to save his son, he was attacked with a knife. Actor Saif Ali Khan suffered several serious injuries in this attack. The actor is currently admitted in Lilavati Hospital and is undergoing treatment. He is recovering fast after surgery. Police are also continuously taking action in this matter. The statements of all the people present along with the family members have also been recorded.
Image Credit: India_Tv.