The accused who attacked Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has been sent to 5-day police custody. The government lawyer also said that we have to investigate whether this is any international conspiracy. The actor was attacked at his Mumbai residence at 2:00 am on January 16. He was later admitted to Lilavati Hospital at 3:00 am. The actor's condition is currently stable. Police are continuously taking action in this matter. Not only this, the police has demanded 14 days police custody.
Police is taking action
The accused of Saif Ali Khan's attack was brought to Bandra Court. The accused was sent to police custody for 5 days. The police want to get to the bottom of the matter as soon as possible. In this connection, the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police is forming several teams for investigation.
grounds of remand
- When did you come from Bangladesh?
- How did it come from Bangladesh?
- What is the motive of the accused behind coming from Bangladesh?
- Who else came with the accused?
- With whom did the accused stay in Mumbai?
- Is he an accomplice in this crime?
- Who helped you hide?
- Had any other person given orders to steal Saif's house and attack Saif?
Police are looking for these two things
Earlier, during the surgery at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, a piece of knife was also removed from Saif Ali Khan's body. Doctors said that the actor is no longer in danger. It was told that during the attack itself, a piece of the knife broke off and got stuck in his body, which was near the spinal cord. This piece was said to be about two and a half inches long. It was said that if it had gone inside even by 2 millimeters, the actor could have lost his life. Not only this, it was not possible that the actor would also lose his power to walk. Although the hospital administration gave one piece to the police, the police is searching for the remaining piece. It is being told that the knife has broken into three pieces. The accused has hidden one piece, which the police is yet to find. The accused has also hidden the clothes he wore at the time of the crime.
Image Credit: India_Tv.