'Amaran' directed by Rajkumar Periyasamy has been creating a stir in theaters for the last 4 days. This film of Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi is performing well not only in Tamil Nadu but also at the worldwide box office. The film has been making great collections since day one. As per early trends, 'Amaran' is heading in the range of Rs 7.50 crore to Rs 8.50 crore on Monday. 'Amaran' was released in theaters on October 31. In the first weekend itself, the film has doubled the happiness of the makers by doing a business of Rs 61.55 crores. The film has got tremendous success in South.
Amaran Weekend Collection
According to the report of Sacknilk website, the film 'Amaran' did a business of Rs 21.4 crore on the first day. Earned Rs 19.15 crore on the second day. It did a business of Rs 21 crore on the third day of its release and collected Rs 21.55 crore on the fourth day. In such a situation, the film has done a business of Rs 83.1 crore in India in its first weekend. The film 'Amaran' is directed by Rajkumar Periyasamy, who has written the screenplay along with Stephen Richter. The film stars Sivakarthikeyan, Sai Pallavi, Bhuvan Arora, Rahul Bose and Sreekumar. It is produced by Kamal Haasan, R Mahendran and Vivek Krishnani under the banner of Raj Kamal Films International and Sony Pictures Films India.
Amaran joins the Rs 100 crore club
'Amaran', released last month, is based on the life of Major Mukund Varadarajan. Apart from Sai Pallavi, this film directed by Rajkumar Periyasamy stars Sivakarthikeyan who will be seen in the role of Major Mukund. The film is poised to register a strong trend in the coming weeks and 'Amaran' has entered the Rs 100 crore club. The film has earned Rs 125 crore in Tamil Nadu in four days. According to trade analyst Ramesh Bala, the film has already grossed over Rs 150 crore at the worldwide box office. He reported in a tweet on
Image Credit: India_Tv.