South superstar Suriya and Bollywood star Bobby Deol starrer film Kanguva has completed 2 days of release. Made with a huge budget of Rs 300 crore, this film made a good roar at the box office on the first day and opened with Rs 24 crore. But the roar of the first day subsided on the second day itself. Kangua remained busy at the box office the next day. The second day collection of the film came to Rs 9 crore. Kanguva has so far earned a total of Rs 33 crore in 2 days. But the second day has not been special for this film made with a budget of Rs 300 crore. Now this film has a lot of expectations from the weekend.
Roared at the box office on the first day
Kanguva did well at the box office on its first day and made the makers happy. The film had an opening of Rs 24 crore on the first day. But on the second day there was a huge decline in the collection of this film. The film has collected only Rs 9 crore on the second day. The film's earnings fell almost 3 times on the second day. The makers are very worried about this. The film has been made with a huge budget of Rs 300 crore. But now seeing the pace of earnings, the film becoming a hit also seems to be in trouble. Now it remains to be seen whether the film fares well at the box office on the weekend.
The combo of South and Bollywood did not work?
Bollywood star Bobby Deol was cast as the villain in this film of South Superstar Surya. Bobby Deol's look in this film was also discussed a lot. But even after its release, the film has not been able to leave any significant impact on the people. Disha Patani was also cast as the lead actress in the film. This combo of South and Bollywood has not brought any special results for the makers. Now the pace of this film's earnings on weekends will decide its box office future.
Image Credit: India_Tv.