After the film Swatantra Veer Savarkar, actor Randeep Hooda, along with director Sam Hargrev, is set to make the upcoming action thriller 'Matchbox'. The film will also feature John Cena. This will be Randeep's second film with the director after the success of superhit Netflix film Extraction. The film, inspired by Matal's popular 'Matchbox' Toy Vehicle Line, will also feature Hollywood stars Tyona Paris, Jessica Beel and Sam Richardson. According to the variety, its production continues in Budapest.
This will be the story
The film is directed by Hagrev, director of 'Avengers: Endgame' and 'Extraction 2' and it is written by David Cogesol and Jonathan Topper. It is produced by David Alison of Skydance and Dana Goldberg as well as Don Granger and Robbie Braner of Mattle Films. 'Matchbox' is the story of a group of childhood friends who meet again to prevent a global disaster and discover their bonds again. The film is based on the prestigious matchbox car line, which started in 1953 when Jack Odel made a toy for her daughter who was small fit into the matchbox box. Metal now reports that two matchbox cars are sold every second worldwide.
Actor is excited about this film
Randeep Hooda shared his feeling about working again with Hagrev and said, 'I am excited to work again with Sam. We spent very good time in our first cooperation with extraction. Sam is the master of high-octane storytelling and action. Glad to join the team in Budapest.
Randeep will be seen in these films
Meanwhile, the actor has many exciting projects. He has recently directed and acted in 'Swatantra Veer Savarkar' and is currently shooting for 'Jat' directed by Copichand Malineni with Sunny Deol. He is also associated with 'Arjun Ustara' directed by Vishal Bhardwaj.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.