Varun Dhawan has made a special place in Bollywood in his 12 years of career. Now Varun Dhawan is busy these days in the promotion of his film 'Baby John'. Varun recently narrated interesting stories from his childhood. In which he told how Ranbir Kapoor along with his brother used to bully him. Varun told that my brother and Ranbir Kapoor have been friends since childhood. Both of them together used to pull my leg. But I was young and I had to bear all this.
Varun Dhawan narrated childhood stories
During a conversation with Ranveer Allahbadia on The Ranveer Show, Varun Dhawan shared stories from his childhood. He told how he was playing against his brother Rohit Dhawan and childhood friend Ranbir Kapoor. While Ranbir usually behaves quite well when he is alone with Varun, things change when he is with Rohit.
Ranbir Kapoor used to threaten along with his brother
Varun said, 'He has such a big habit that whenever we are together, he threatens me. When Ranbir is alone, he is very good with me, but when he is with my brother, he also used to live in that elder brother zone. Both of them used to pull my leg a lot and bully me. Let us tell you that Ranbir Kapoor and Rohit Dhawan have been childhood friends. Both their fathers were part of the film family. Both of them have spent a lot of time together since childhood. Along with brother, Varun Dhawan has also spent a lot of time with Ranbir Kapoor. These days Varun is busy promoting his film Baby John. This film of Varun is being released in theaters on 25th December. Vamika Gabbi and Keerthy Suresh are going to be seen in important roles along with Varun in the film. The film has been produced by Atlee and directed by Kallis.
Image Credit: India_Tv.