Ranbir Kapoor had to face a lot of praise as well as criticism for his 2023 blockbuster 'Animal'. All criticisms were overshadowed by its spectacular performance at the box office. This film was one of the highest grossing films of 2023. This film played an important role in establishing Ranbir as a great actor and his stardom also increased with this film. While director Sandeep Reddy Vanga left no stone unturned in defending the film and its core themes, Ranbir did exactly what the makers wanted from him. Ranbir Kapoor was seen putting forward a measured and restrained approach.
Ranbir talked about the film
The experience of 'Animal' was mixed for the audience. There is still enthusiasm among the people about the film and the audience is also eager for its next part. The teaser of its sequel 'Animal Park' was included in the final cut of the film, which doubled the craze of the people. Now Ranbir Kapoor has shared many more new updates on this, which will make you more excited. In a recent conversation, Ranbir talked a lot about the film and told what will be seen in the upcoming part. He also revealed that the making of the film has not started yet. Ranbir has also revealed when its shooting will start and what his character will be like.
Ranbir told the update
In a recent interview, Ranbir positively confirmed that the 'Animal franchise' is indeed going to be a trilogy. He talked about this in detail and when asked if 'Animal Park' is still in production, he said, 'Right now the director is busy making another film. We will start this from the year 2027. Right now in the first part the director has just done a little flirting, the further story is going to be even more interesting. He is preparing to make it in three parts. The name of its second part is Animal Park. We all have been sharing our views since the first part and now he will take it forward in his own way. Now the story will take an even more interesting turn because I am going to play two characters, one of a hero and the other of a villain. So this is a very exciting project, from a director known for his original content and I am very excited to be associated with him.
people's reaction
Now this video has instantly gone viral on social media. After seeing this on Reddit, viewers are very excited and have started giving their amazing reactions. One person wrote, 'This trilogy and series is over. Ek Chaal To Part 1, 2, 3.. Sabka Saath, I remember the days of making some light and funny films. Another person wrote, 'Write a story, different from the first one'. The third person wrote, 'Now if one goes, will all go?' Another person wrote, 'Milking is going terrible'. At present, it is clear from Ranbir's words that the film will be released only at the end of 2027 or 2028.
Image Credit: India_Tv.