The third installment of the superhit comedy franchise 'Hera Pheri' was announced in 2023. Earlier, it was reported that Akshay Kumar would not be a part of this film. Now on the occasion of his birthday, Priyadarshan has given a big surprise to the fans. On 30 January 2025, on the special occasion of his birthday, filmmaker Priyadarshan shared the latest update about the cast of 'Hera Pheri 3'. Akshay Kumar greeted him a happy birthday on his official Instagram, after which Priyadarshan announced the third installment of Hera Pheri thanking the actor.
Hera Ferry 3 Cast announced
Akshay Kumar greeted Priyadarshan on his birthday on Instagram, after which the director reacted on the actor's post and wrote, 'Thank you very much for your best wishes Akshay Kumar … I want to give you a return gift. I am ready to Hera Pheri 3, are you ready Akshay, Sunil Shetty and Paresh Rawal? After the tremendous success of 'Hera Pheri' and 'Phir Hera Pheri', the audience was eagerly waiting for the third installment of this popular franchise. Also, Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan have shook hands for another horror comedy 'Bhoot Bungalow'. 'Bhoot Bungalow' is set to knock in theaters on 2 April 2026. Paresh Rawal is going to appear with Akshay Kumar in this film.
Raju, Shyam and Babu Bhaiya's explosion
This surprise of Priyadarshan has made not only Akshay Kumar but also Paresh Rawal and Sunil Shetty. Paresh Rawal, who plays Babu Bhaiya, wrote on his ex handle, 'Dear Priyadarshan ji, you are the one who does not leave a chance to make this world laugh!' At the same time, Sunil Shetty expressed his happiness and wrote, 'Hera Pheri and ask ask !!! Let's start. ' Priyadarshan has confirmed the names of Akshay, Sunil Shetty and Paresh Rawal for the characters of Raju, Shyam and Babu Bhaiya.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.