New Delhi. Rajshri Productions on Sunday announced that it has re-released the popular romance film “Maine Pyar Kiya” starring Salman Khan and Bhagyashree on the occasion of the film's 35th anniversary. The film was released on 29 December 1989 and was Sooraj Barjatya's directorial debut. This was Salman's first film as a lead actor and Bhagyashree's first film. Production banner Rajshri Productions shared a post on its Instagram handle on the occasion. The post was captioned, “A film that changed the way we think about love. From deep friendship to magical romance, 'Maine Pyar Kiya' is a timeless classic that has captured the hearts of millions. This sun A brilliant and first class film directed by Barjatya that gave us Prem and Suman for life. Let's celebrate 35 years of Maine Pyar Kiya together! Tell us your favorite dialogue from the movie Maine Pyar Kiya.
People remember the film even after 35 years
Let us tell you that this film starring Salman Khan and Rajshree is one of the favorite films of the people even after 35 years. This film also earned well at the box office. According to media reports, the budget of the film was kept at Rs 1 crore. This was the film which showed the way to make Salman Khan a superstar. This was the second film of Salman Khan's career. This film had a box office collection of more than Rs 14 crore. People liked the film a lot. The pairing of Salman Khan and Bhagyashree in this film also received a lot of praise. Now it remains to be seen how many people this superhit film is able to attract to the theaters again.
The songs of the film were superhit
Let us tell you that people had seen the strong romantic story in this film. Besides, the songs of this film also created a lot of buzz. More than 10 songs were included in the film. Many of these songs were superhit. Many songs of this film still resonate in people's ears. The songs of the film like 'Kabootar Ja Ja', 'Mere Rang Mein Rangne Wali', 'Dil Deewana', 'Kahe To Se Sajni', 'Aaja Sham Hone Aayi' and 'Aaya Mausam Dosti Ka' created a stir. The songs of this film are still counted in people's favorite list. This is the reason why even after 35 years, the magic of the film has not diminished.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.