South superstar Allu Arjun's film 'Pushpa 2' is still earning handsomely. It has been more than a month since the release of the film, but the film is still in theatres. Apart from this, the actor has also got bail in the Sandhya theater stampede case. The actor's family and the team of 'Pushpa 2' were in constant touch with the victim's family. Not only this, financial assistance was given by the actor and the actor's father Allu Arvind also came to meet the victim's family. Now, a month after this incident, the actor himself has reached the hospital to meet the victim child.
Allu Arjun came to meet the child
The victim child Shretej is admitted in KIMS Hospital in Hyderabad and Allu Arjun has also reached there to meet him. After getting permission from the police, Allu Arjun reached KIMS Hospital. During this time, heavy police force has been deployed at KIMS Hospital. Its video has also surfaced. Meanwhile, Telangana Film Corporation Chairman Dil Raj also reached KIMS Hospital and inquired about the well being of Shritej. Talking about Shritej, his condition has remained critical for a long time and his treatment is going on in KIMS Hospital. 8-year-old Shretej's mother Revathi died in the Hyderabad stampede on December 4.
what was the whole matter
Let us tell you, on December 4, Allu Arjun had reached Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad with his family and co-actress Rashmika Mandanna. There was a day left for the release of the film and before that the actor wanted to celebrate its release with his fans. Meanwhile there was a stampede. In this, a woman died and an 8 year old child was taken to the hospital in a very serious condition. Police started action in this matter. Telangana government also ordered action against Allu Arjun in this case, after which the actor had to go to jail but he got bail.
Helping the child like this
Let us tell you, Allu Arjun's father Allu Arvind had announced a few days ago and said that the victim's family will be helped. Along with this, it was announced to give crores of rupees. Of this amount, Rs 1 crore was given by Allu Arjun and the remaining amount was given half by the producer and director of the film. By forming Shritej Trust, the responsibility of helping the child further is being taken up.
Image Credit: India_Tv.