Priyanka Chopra is counted among the biggest stars of Hollywood today. In the year 2000, she won the title of 'Miss World' and entered the film world. Priyanka Chopra showed her magic here in a few years and became a superstar. But sometime in her early career, Priyanka Chopra wanted to leave Mumbai and return home. This was the period when Priyanka got her nose surgery done. However, Gadar film director Anil Sharma did not allow this to happen and kept him in Mumbai and gave him work. Later Priyanka Chopra became a superstar herself. In a conversation with Siddharth Kannan on the YouTube channel, Anil said that when he first heard about her surgery, he got the impression that it was an elective surgery that PC did to “look like Julia Roberts”. Was. “I read somewhere that she did it to look like Julia Roberts so I scolded her. Then I came to know the truth that it was not so. He had a problem with his nose, it was a medical operation that went wrong so it was not his fault.
Priyanka Chopra removed from many projects
Anil Sharma recalled that the effect of the surgery was such that Priyanka Chopra was removed from many projects. She was in the process of returning the token amount and had planned to leave Mumbai for almost a year so that she could come back to Bareilly, but Anil stopped her at the last moment. Anil said that he could already see his potential and hence he decided to work with him. “At that time, I had already given him a token of Rs 5 lakh. She had brought the cheque. She said that I have been fired from the job and now I am going back to Bareilly. They said they are waiting for me to give my money back. I said you keep the money and I scolded him a little. Then he told me what really happened to his nose.'
Anil recalls, 'He said that my father has already returned to Bareilly and has rejoined his army duty. His mother said that she too would resume her practice. They thought that Priyanka would take some time to recover so they would come back after about a year. They were paying so much rent here and they were common people, not like Ambani. I asked him to stop.
Gave work in the film
Anil Sharma said that he called an experienced makeup artist working at YRF and asked him to help with Priyanka Chopra's nose. After the work was completed, he worked with Neeta Lulla on her costumes and then, Anil took a screen test. 'Then I sent that CD and everyone said, 'Who is this girl?' This was his fate. Her nose job gone wrong wasn't her fault and if we can fix it, why shouldn't we?' Priyanka worked in Anil Sharma's The Hero – Love Story of a Spy, which also starred Sunny Deol and Preity Zinta.
Image Credit: India_Tv.