Even though Priyanka Chopra has shifted to America. But still remains connected with Indian fans. Priyanka often shares family photos on her Instagram. Recently Priyanka Chopra had gone on a trip to London. Here Priyanka Chopra met her friends and relatives. Also spent time with Priyanka Chopra's daughter Malti. Priyanka has also posted cute pictures of daughter Malti on her Instagram. Also shared that cute moment of Malti, when she says goodbye to her aunt.
Priyanka Chopra went on a trip to the museum
Priyanka Chopra has shared beautiful pictures with her daughter from the streets of London. Posting these pictures, Priyanka Chopra wrote, 'The fun continues amidst sleep. Thanks to the Natural Museum for the wonderful hospitality. Also thanks to our guide who has made our trip beautiful. Along with Priyanka Chopra, her daughter Malti is also seen accompanying her on this trip. Priyanka's daughter Malti also looked cute when she said goodbye to her aunt. Priyanka Chopra is on a trip to London these days. His daughter Malti is also enjoying this trip.
5 years of marriage completed
Priyanka Chopra started her career in the 2000s. Priyanka struggled a lot in Bollywood and earned her name. Priyanka Chopra became a Bollywood star and also gave dozens of superhit films. Priyanka Chopra turned to Hollywood after ruling Bollywood for almost one and a half decade. After working here, Priyanka Chopra earned a lot of name in Hollywood also. During this time, Priyanka Chopra met American singer Nick Jonas. Both of them became friends and friendship turned into love. Priyanka Chopra married Nick Jonas in 2018. Priyanka's marriage took place in a grand manner in Rajasthan. After 4 years of marriage, Priyanka Chopra gave birth to daughter Malti on 15 January 2022.
Image Credit: India_Tv.