Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra is often seen praising her husband Raghav Chadha. Aam Aadmi Party MP Raghav Chadha keeps making headlines in politics. Now Parineeti shared a post praising her husband Raghav last day. In which he has tied bridges of praise of Raghav. In fact, Raghav Chadha raised his voice in the winter session held in December last year at the airport. In which he had asked the passengers to force them to buy food at expensive prices. Raghav had spoken about this with strength. Now recently the flight passenger cafe has been introduced at Kolkata Airport.
Tea and coffee getting at low prices
This cafe has kept the prices of food items very low for passengers. Parineeti Chopra has now shared a video for this debut. At the same time, the bridges of Raghav's praise are also tied. Sharing a video, Parineeti wrote, 'I feel very proud of you. You are a true leader of people and capable of correcting real issues. People have a lot of trouble due to expensive food and drinks found at the airport. But with your voice, this whole issue was given to the whole issue and now things have started changing. There are also cheap food and drinking items at the airport.
Now 10 rupees tea is getting at the airport
Let us know that during the winter session in December last year, Raghav Chadha raised his voice about the expensive items being found at the airport. Now a restaurant in the name of Udaan Passenger Cafe has started from Kolkata Airport. This cafe has started giving tea of 10 rupees, water bottle of 10 rupees and Samosa of 20 rupees and coffee. These are the lowest rates of food items available at the airport. Regarding this, Aviation Minister Ram Manohar Naidu Kinjrapu also shared a post on X. In which he had said, 'Ever since I took over, my aim has been to make air travel easier for the common man. Now food and drink are starting from Kolkata Airport at cheap prices.
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Image Credit: India_Tv.