Vande Bharat Express, which is counted among the most luxurious trains of India, is soon going to be seen in films. This is the first time that a film is being shot in this train. On Wednesday, Bollywood director Sujit Sarkar started the shooting of his upcoming film in Mumbai. For the first time in this film, scenes are to be shot in Vande Bharat train. Press Trust of India (PTI) has given this news quoting officials. Award-winning filmmaker Shoojit Sircar became the first director to use the Vande Bharat train for a shoot conducted on platform number five of Mumbai Central station.
Explaining the rationale behind its decision, Western Railway officials said that one of the two Vande Bharat trains operating on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route will not run on Wednesday. It remains parked in the station yard or car shed for maintenance. “We allowed the use of this non-running train for film shooting as per the policy guidelines,” an official said. He said the railways earned about Rs 23 lakh in non-fare box revenue from the shooting of the film, slightly more than the Rs 20 lakh earned by the semi-high-speed train during its single journey between Mumbai and Ahmedabad a day earlier. .
Train earns money from shooting
Vineet Abhishek, Chief PRO, Western Railway, said, 'We often allow trains, stations and other railway premises for commercial purposes as per the prescribed guidelines. This is the first time that Vande Bharat Express train has been allowed for film shooting. He said that similar permission would be given while ensuring that passengers are not inconvenienced. Abhishek said that railway film shootings generate non-fare revenue which is used for the development of railway assets and facilities. Appealing to the film fraternity to use the railways for shooting, he said, 'Western Railways follows a single-window system for quick and convenient process for granting permission for commercial shooting.'
Railways will benefit from shooting
Abhishek said that featuring trains in films is mutually beneficial as it gives a realistic feel to visual stories as Indians have a “positive and emotional association” with trains. Western Railways has earned around Rs 1 crore in non-fare box revenue from film shooting in the current financial year. Movies like Railwaymen, Gaslight, Heropanti 2, Breathe Into Shadows, OMG 2, Baby Doll and Ek Villain Returns were some of the movies shot under Western Railways in recent years apart from fee web series.
Image Credit: India_Tv.