On the eve of Republic Day, the central government announced the Padma Awards 2025, in which 139 people will be honored with the highest civilian honour, including seven Padma Vibhushan, 19 Padma Bhushan and 113 Padma Shri. Pankaj Udhas, Arijit Singh and Sharda Sinha have also been selected from the music industry. Pankaj Udhas and Arijit Singh will be awarded Padma Shri, while Sharda Sinha will be given Padma Bhushan. After this list came out, now National Award winning singer Sonu Nigam has raised questions on the jury for ignoring many big artistes this year. He mentioned many singers like Kishore Kumar, Alka Yagnik, Shreya Ghoshal and Sunidhi Chauhan and in a long video told how their talent has been ignored.
Sonu Nigam said this
While sharing the video, Sonu said, 'There are two singers who have inspired singers all over the world. We have limited only one to Padma Shri, that is Mohammed Rafi Saheb and there is one who has not even got Padma Shri – Kishore Kumar ji. Are you getting awards posthumously? And among them, Alka Yagnik ji, she has had such a long and amazing career, she has not got anything till now. Shreya Ghoshal, she has also been proving her art for a long time. They should also get it. Sunidhi Chauhan, she has also inspired an entire generation with her unique voice. They too have not received anything yet. And there are many such names, irrespective of any field. Be it singing or acting, science or literature, who you feel has not got justice, write in the comments and increase our knowledge.
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Sonu has received Padma Shri
Sonu Nigar was awarded Padma Shri by former President Ramnath Kovind in the year 2022. In his very long career, Sonu Nigam has sung more than 10000 songs, most of which are in Hindi. He has also sung songs in Kannada, Oriya, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Nepali, Malayalam, Kannada, Bhojpuri and other Indian languages. The actor is counted among the top singers of Bollywood. For a long time, he sang songs for famous actors like Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan and became their voice.
Image Credit: India_Tv.