'Bigg Boss 18' created a stir in the first week of the new year itself. Hosted by superstar Salman Khan, this season started with a bang on the January 06, 2025 episode. In the show, a heated argument was seen between Karan Veer Mehra and Chahat Pandey, while a fight was seen between Vivian Dsena and Shilpa Sidokar. This show, known for its amazing twists and high-octane drama, is now in the news for another reason. In the upcoming episode of Bigg Boss Season 18, an entire team will be nominated during the task.
Karan Veer-Chahat Pandey fight
Chahat Pandey was talking to Shilpa Shirodkar about her hard work in the industry, when Karan Veer Mehra commented, 'If you have done so much work, you would not have got time to celebrate the anniversary.' Chahat Pandey gets angry on this and says, 'Don't worry about him, Karan Veer Mehra.' Soon after, Chahat is seen throwing something at Karan in anger. There is a fierce fight in their house.
Avinash, Vivian and Isha became friends
Shrutika and Rajat fight over matters. There is a long debate between the two regarding the clothes lying there. After this the family members have some fun in the washroom area. Meanwhile, Vivian, Isha and Avinash talk among themselves that if they don't play the game as a team now, when will they play? All three were seen talking like this after a long time.
An entire team has been nominated!
In the upcoming episode of 'Bigg Boss 18', a task is going to take place between two teams in the house, after which a dangerous fight takes place between the housemates. Even after Bigg Boss refuses, everyone starts fighting with each other breaking the rules and Bigg Boss nominates Vivaan's team in the house. Today it is seen that Vivian had said that another group is trying to break them. At night, Karan, Shrutika, Chum and Shilpa are seen sitting together and talking about this.
Image Credit: India_Tv.