Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari watched Kangana Ranaut's film Emergency in Nagpur on Saturday. Anupam Kher was also present at the emergency screening. Sharing his views after the screening on On this occasion, Kangana was looking stunning in a beige colored saree and her hair was in a beautiful bun. While Anupam Kher was in a dark blue suit. After the screening, the trio interacted with the media and shared their views about the film and its subject.
Kangana Ranaut thanked
Kangana later took to Instagram to thank Gadkari for his support. Sharing pictures from the screening, she captioned them, '#emergency with @gadbari.nitin ji. Releasing on 17th January. Minister Nitin Gadkari took to Twitter to share his views. In a post here, he wrote, 'Today attended the special screening of @KanganaTeam ji and Shri @AnupamPKher ji's film Emergency in Nagpur. I wholeheartedly thank the filmmakers and actors for presenting the dark chapter of our country's history with such authenticity and excellence. I urge everyone to watch this film, which portrays an important period in India's history. The film Emergency includes actors like Shreyas Talpade, Ashok Chhabra, Mahima Chaudhary, Vishak Nair, Satish Kaushik, Milind Soman, Larry New Yorker and Richard Klein. While Zee Studios, Manikarnika Films and Renu Pitti have jointly produced the film.
Film releasing on 17th January
Let us tell you that Kangana Ranaut has directed this film. Also, Kangana herself is playing the lead role in this film. This film is being released in theaters on 17 January. Kangana had to wait a long time for the release of this film. This film has been stuck in the censor board for a long time. Now this film is being released for the audience.
Image Credit: India_Tv.