Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment have announced the title of Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan and Sridevi's daughter Khushi Kapoor's theatrical debut film. This film has been directed by Advait Chandan and its name is Lavayapa. This upcoming romantic-comedy is all set to rock the big screen. The young and fresh energy of the film will be liked by the audience. Fans are eagerly waiting. The tremendous chemistry of these two rising stars is going to give a new style to the modern romantic-comedy.
There will be moments of laughter along with romance.
'Loveyapa' is a story of love and its complications, which has a flavor of fun and laughter. This film is going to be a special gift for the audience. Two powerful production houses are supporting this big project – Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment. Phantom Studios has always been known for making great hit films, while AGS Entertainment has given many hit films. With the coming together of these two, special enthusiasm and energy is going to be seen in 'Loveyapa'.
The story of the film will be like this
'Loveyapa' is a modern romance packed with a heart-touching story, stellar performances, fun music and beautiful visuals. The film celebrates every aspect of love and is set to connect with audiences of all ages. 'Loveyapa' is one of the most exciting films of 2025. This beautiful love story will be released in theaters on 7 February 2025.
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Next year will be in the name of Starkids
The coming year is going to be of star kids. Apart from Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor, Rasha Thadani and Ajay Devgan's nephew Aman Devgan are also debuting with 'Azad'. Suhana Khan will also make her theatrical debut with King. It is expected that next year Saif Ali Khan's darling Ibrahim Ali Khan can also be seen on screen.
Image Credit: India_Tv.