Apart from his film 'Pushpa 2', South's megastar Allu Arjun has also been in the news for many days regarding the Sandhya theater stampede case. Recently, Allu Arjun was called to Sandhya Theater for the screening of 'Pushpa 2: The Rule', after which a woman died and 2 others were injured in a stampede. After this, the actor was arrested in this case and he was released at 7 am on December 14, 2024. Meanwhile, as soon as the letter of Hyderabad Sandhya Theater went viral, the police has given a new update and revealed the truth.
Hyderabad Police had warned Sandhya Theater
After the arrest of 'Pushpa 2' actor Allu Arjun, the controversy is not stopping. Earlier the police had argued in the court that they had asked the management to ask the actor not to come to the show. Now with this letter becoming public, there has been a new twist in the story. A note purportedly written by Chikkadappally police to the management of Sandhya Theater has surfaced, warning them not to invite Allu Arjun to the theater for the premiere show of 'Pushpa 2'. This letter of Hyderabad Police went viral on social media on Monday.
Hyderabad police letter
New update on Sandhya theater stampede case
The letter, signed and sealed by Chikkadappally police officials, informed the theater management that there was a possibility of a stampede due to the small space of the theater and the hotel nearby. For this reason, the management was advised not to invite the stars to the theater to watch the film on 4th and 5th December. Recently, the theater management made a letter public saying that they had informed the police that Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna and other actors of the film could attend the premiere show. Earlier, the police had argued in the court that they had asked the management to ask the actor not to come to the show. Now with this letter becoming public, there has been a new twist in the story.
evening theater letter
Theater management had asked for security
Sandhya Theater Management had claimed that they had informed the police two days before the premiere of Allu Arjun's 'Pushpa 2' and demanded security arrangements. Despite this, the police did not make arrangements. On the other hand, the police say that the theater did not provide any information.
Image Credit: India_Tv.