A new CCTV footage has been released from Saif Ali Khan's house in which the suspected attacker is seen going upstairs and heading towards the actor's house. According to the video, the suspected attacker was seen with a bag on the stairs at around 1:38 am on January 16. Her face is not visible in the video as she had completely covered her face with a red colored cloth. Earlier, a picture of the suspected accused had surfaced which had gone viral on social media, in which he was seen coming down the stairs after attacking the actor.
The footage had surfaced earlier also
Based on CCTV footage released earlier, the suspected attacker was seen running away from the actor's house. Mumbai Police had claimed that 2 suspects have been spotted. One of them has been identified and now his picture has also gone viral. A few hours later, on Friday morning, this person was taken into custody. Even before this, this person had appeared near Bandra Railway Station. Police sources said that the suspect had jumped from the adjacent building and came to Saif Ali Khan's building.
A picture of a knife was revealed
He entered the house with the help of stairs. Police saw in the CCTV footage that an unknown person entered Saif's building from the compound of another building. The DCP also said that several teams have been formed for this investigation. In addition to the new CCTV footage, an image of the broken piece of the knife was also released earlier today. This knife has been taken out from Saif Ali Khan's body after surgery, the picture of which has been made public by Lilavati Hospital administration. Doctors at Lilavati Hospital, who operated on Saif Ali Khan, also addressed a press conference earlier today and shared updates on the actor's health. In the press meet, the doctor said that Saif Ali Khan is now out of danger and he will soon be discharged from the ICU and taken to a special room.
Image Credit: India_Tv.