Bollywood actress Divya Khosla's maternal grandmother Ramkumari Verma, who was suffering from cancer, has passed away. He has shared an emotional note giving an emotional tribute on social media. Remembering her grandmother as a strong woman, Bhushan Kumar's wife Divya has also posted some heart-touching pictures. The 'Savi' actress, who also lost her mother Anita Khosla in 2023. He has expressed his grief through Insta post. After these photos went viral on social media, people are paying tribute to Ramkumari Verma in the comment box.
Grandmother passed away after actress's mother
Divya Khosla wrote, 'I can't stop my tears because I'm going to miss you a lot. Today an era has ended for me. He further wrote, 'My beloved grandmother passed away recently. She was the strongest woman I knew… a wonderful business woman, a cancer survivor and the wife of an Army officer… My grandmother was an inspirational woman and she passed on the immense strength she had to my mother. And my mother gave it to me… After my mother's death one and a half years ago, she kept telling me not to cry even though she herself used to cry a lot… Sorry Naniji.
Divya Khosla's mother was to die in 2023
In August 2024, Divya Khosla shared a post remembering her mother Anita Khosla on her birth anniversary. While sharing pictures with his mother, he had written, 'Happy Birthday Momma… Life will always be incomplete without you… I am grateful for every moment I have spent with you in this life. I miss you a lot… you were my strength and my biggest cheerleader.
Divya Khosla's professional life
Talking about the work front, Divya Khosla Kumar was last seen in the film 'Savi' starring Anil Kapoor and Harshvardhan Rane. This film was directed by Abhinay Deo.
Image Credit: India_Tv.