Thursday was not a very good day for Bollywood. Well-known actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an unknown person at his residence. The suspect entered the house from the younger son's room and first attacked his maid, when the actor came to save her, he attacked him. During this incident the actor was stabbed 6 times with a knife. In such a situation, he suffered serious injuries in many parts. After the incident, Kareena Kapoor called her stepson Ibrahim Ali Khan and he took his father to the hospital, where he underwent surgery. This accident happened between 2 and 3 in the night. Now the actor's treatment is continuing at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai and family members are continuously coming to meet him.
Mother met Saif
Saif Ali Khan's mother veteran actress Sharmila Tagore along with her daughter actress Soha Ali Khan visited Lilavati Hospital to inquire about her son's well being. Actor Saif Ali Khan is admitted in the hospital after the shocking attack at his residence in Bandra on Thursday morning. His treatment is continuing under the supervision of doctors. He has undergone surgery and after this he is being shifted to ICU and is being looked after. Sharmila Tagore and sister Soha can be seen sitting in the car. Both of them are seen lying in astonishment.
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Saif Ali Khan and Ibrahim met father
To meet Saif Ali Khan, his two elder children Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan also reached the hospital again. During this time, disappointment was seen on the faces of Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim. Both were seen sitting together in the car. Let us tell you, Saif Ali Khan was taken to the hospital by his son Ibrahim Ali Khan. He took his father in an injured condition to the hospital in an auto. There was no driver present at home when this accident occurred. In such a situation, the son took the help of auto and without any delay took his father to the hospital.
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Everyone reached Karishma's house
Kareena Kapoor also reached Lilavati Hospital to know about her husband's well being. Apart from this, the entire family was seen gathered at Karisma Kapoor's house. Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan also reached Karisma Kapoor's house late at night after knowing about their father's condition. Kareena's parents were also present at Karishma's house. All the film stars were also reaching Karisma Kapoor's house to know the condition of Saif and his family. It includes many names like Sanjay Dutt, Malaika Arora, Karan Johar, Arjun Kapoor.
Image Credit: India_Tv.