Actress Urvashi Rautela is busy these days with the success of her film 'Daku Maharaj'. Urvashi is leaving no stone unturned in the promotion of the film. Even after several days of the film's release, she is still talking about it. Meanwhile, the actress's mother has fallen ill. The actress's mother is admitted in the hospital. He has shared the update about this on his Instagram handle. He posted a picture and requested people to pray for his mother's health. The actress herself was also seen in this picture. At present, after seeing this post, the fans of the actress are not very happy and are trolling her. Now let us tell you what is the reason for trolling.
The actress posted this picture
Actress Urvashi Rautela has urged people to pray for the speedy recovery of her mother Mira Rautela. On Sunday, the actress shared a picture on her Instagram, in which she is seen hugging her mother. In this picture, his mother is seen lying on the hospital bed holding the tricolor. Urvashi Rautela is wearing a leopard printed outfit and is wearing goggles along with it. He wrote in the caption, 'Please pray for my mother.' After seeing this post people started trolling him.
See post here
people said such things
On this post of Urvashi Rautela, a person wrote in the caption, 'Quit acting now.' Another person wrote, 'You should have taken off your glasses, you shouldn't be acting so much.' Another person wrote, 'It seems his mother has also seen Daku Maharaj.' One person wrote, 'He has become like this only after seeing Daku Maharaj.' While one person wrote, 'Even now praise Daku Maharaj and tell him that my mother has given me a diamond watch.' The post is filled with such comments.
Being trolled because of this
Actually, when the actress was asked about Saif Ali Khan's accident, she talked about the success of her film 'Daku Maharaj' and moving away from the topic, she told that her mother had gifted her a diamond watch. Even after this, the actress was trolled a lot and people started saying that whatever the issue, Urvashi was just promoting her film. Now people have taken a dig at his mother being ill. In this film of Urvashi, Balakrishna Nandamuri was in the lead role. The songs of the film also became very popular.
Image Credit: India_Tv.