There was a lot of discussion about the vacation of Kapoor and Bhatt family on New Year. On this occasion, both the family members went to Thailand for a holiday together. Both the families had a lot of fun together and shared glimpses of it on their respective social media handles. After Alia Bhatt, Neetu Kapoor and Soni Razdan, now Shaheen Bhatt has also shared many glimpses of this vacation with fans. He has shown many strange glimpses to people in a long post on Instagram. In these pictures of Shaheen Bhatt, pictures of Chhoti Raha, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor as well as the rest of the family can be seen. Before showing the beautiful pictures, let us tell you what caption Raha Kapoor's aunt has given to these pictures.
Shaheen said this
Writer and producer Shaheen Bhatt posted several pictures from her Thailand vacation on Instagram and captioned it with the lines written by Neil Gaiman, 'I hope you have a wonderful year, you dream dangerous and strange dreams, you create something like this. That which did not exist before you became you, people will love and like you and you will have people loving and liking you in return. And most importantly (because I think there needs to be more kindness and more intelligence in the world right now) is that you will be wise when you need to be, and you will always be kind.'
See pictures here
Beautiful glimpses seen in pictures
Shaheen Bhatt shared the first picture with her sister Alia Bhatt. After this he shared a video of the ocean with the setting sun. Apart from this, she also shared a single beautiful selfie of herself, in which she was seen wearing white flowers in her ears. After sharing glimpses of her time with uncle Soni Razdan and sister Alia, she also shared a glimpse of her pancake breakfast. After many beautiful views of the beach, he shared a family photo, in which the entire group that went on vacation was seen together. Raha caught people's attention the most in this picture. She was seen looking at something very carefully and with surprise. Ranbir was seen holding her in his lap, admiring her innocence. It is difficult to take your eyes off this father-daughter duo. Only after this Shaheen shared a video, in which many monkeys were seen swimming in the sea. Finally, he has also shared a cozy photo with his close friend.
people's reaction
After seeing these pictures, people's reactions have started coming. Alia Bhatt's mother Soni Razdan has also not missed commenting on this. He wrote, 'Photos shared thoughtfully… a good start to the new year.' Apart from this, a person wrote that with whom Shaheen is seen in the last picture. Another person wrote that it seems Shaheen has finally found love. A third person wrote that the person seen with Shaheen is not Ayan Mukherjee. At present the whole family has returned from vacation. Just yesterday, Ranbir-Alia were spotted at the airport returning with Raha.
Image Credit: India_Tv.