Mika Singh produced a web series in 2020, named 'Dangerous'. This web series which came on MX Player was written by Vikram Bhatt. In this series, Mika Singh had worked with a star couple, about whom he has now made shocking revelations. Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover, who are counted among Bollywood's most loving couples, were seen in the lead roles in the web series 'Dangerous', about which Mika Singh has now made many surprising revelations and also talked about working with the couple. Also shared his bad experience.
Mika shared his experience of working with Karan-Bipasha
Keeping the budget under control and the project being completed without any hindrance, Mika talked to the entire team of Bhatt. He planned to cast actor Karan Singh Grover in the series and wanted to cast a newcomer opposite him to keep the budget under control. However, the situation changed when Bipasha Basu started showing interest in working with her husband Karan and it became the worst experience for Mika in his career. After this he also decided to leave film-web series production.
Wanted to cast a new girl in the series- Mika Singh
Mika Singh recently revealed this entire story in a conversation with YouTube channel Kadak. Talking about it, he said- 'I wanted to cast a new girl with Karan in the series, so that the budget remains under control. But, Bipasha said that both of us (Karan and Bipasha) will work together in the series. The budget did not increase much, but the experience was very bad. We were supposed to complete the shooting in 3 months, but it took six months, due to which a lot of money was wasted.
Demand for separate rooms in London – Mika Singh
Mika further said- 'Due to the shooting, we were in London with a team of 50 people for a month's shooting, which dragged on for 2 months. During this period, Karan-Bipasha did a lot of drama. We thought that both were husband and wife, so we gave them the same room, but they wanted their own separate rooms. After this they started demanding change of hotel, which we had to accept. Then during a scene, Karan's parry got fractured and even during dubbing he started making excuses. He said that he was not well. Even after this, he objected to the kissing scene present in the script.
I will not make films now – Mika Singh
'They are husband and wife and this scene was already fixed in the contract. Stars who bow before big producers often behave like this with small producers, which is very wrong. Now I have decided that I will never produce a film and would advise those who are thinking of doing so to give a chance to new artists. Karan-Bipasha got married in 2016, after which both of them welcomed daughter Devi into this world in 2022.
Image Credit: India_Tv.