A massive fire broke out in singer Udit Narayan's building in Andheri West, Mumbai on Monday night. Singer's building Skypan Apartment in Shastri Nagar, Andheri West was engulfed in flames around 9.15 pm on Monday night. Some videos of this incident have also surfaced on social media, in which the building can be seen surrounded in smoking flames. However, there was no harm to Udit Narayan or any member of his family in this accident.
Udit Narayan and family safe
Udit Narayan and his family are safe, their house is not on the floor on which the fire broke out. No formal information has been revealed yet whether the family was in the house or not when this incident occurred. Neither the actor nor his family has reacted to this incident yet.
Video surfaced on social media
A video of the fire in the building has also surfaced on social media. X user named Anoop Jaiswal has shared a video. According to the user, this video has been shot by one of his friends from the window of his house. In this video a building can be seen engulfed in massive fire. The user wrote- 'Fire in Skypan Apartment, Sab TV Lane, Andheri West. A friend has shot this video from his window. Now the time has come that Andheri West gets a fire station. There is so much space in Veera Desai Road. If there is political will, a well-equipped center can be easily established.
What was the cause of the fire?
This fire broke out on the 11th floor of Udit Narayan's building. It is noteworthy that the singer lives on the 9th floor of this building. The cause of the fire in the house is still being investigated. It is believed that the fire broke out due to some electrical equipment malfunctioning.
Image Credit: India_Tv.