Malayalam film 'Marco' has created a stir in theaters as soon as it was released. This film is being described as the most explosive and dangerous action film till date. Like 'Animal' and 'Pushpa 2', the dreaded villain of this film is also being discussed a lot. On social media, people are praising the action and powerful look of 'Marco' villain Kabir Duhan Singh. Kabir Duhaan Singh, who played the role of dangerous character Cyrus in the film, stole all the limelight with his surprising entry. 'Marco' has earned more than Rs 51 crore at the box office in India in 16 days.
This villain of South became famous as a villain
'Marco' fame Kabir Duhan Singh, who is being called the most violent film of Indian cinema, is also known for his roles in films like 'Sardar Gabbar Singh', 'Vedalam' and 'Shankutalam'. He also started his career in the South film industry as a dreaded villain in the Telugu film 'Jill' (2015). He has made his career as a villain in the industry. Now in the role of Cyrus, he won everyone's heart with just a few minutes of role in 'Marco'. As soon as the first film became a superhit, Kabir Duhan Singh signed 11 films in one day for Villain in South.
It was the villain, not the hero, who stole the applause from the action.
People are liking Kabir Duhan Singh's action in the role of Cyrus so much that they are comparing him with Abrar of 'Animal' and Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat of 'Pushpa 2'. Even before this, many of his films have been released, but the recognition he has got from this one is Pan India. He had not got this from any other film before. From shaking the hero and his family as soon as he enters 'Marco' to the fighting sequence in the pre-climax, he is so good that anyone will get scared after seeing his character. The scene of murder of a pregnant lady was so dangerous that anyone's heart would tremble after watching it and Kabir Duhan Singh has presented such a character very well.
Kabir Duhaan's influence in South Bollywood
Along with Kabir Duhan Singh, who has won the title of Stylish Villain, Pan India Actor, Unni Mukundan, Siddique, Jagadish, Sudev Nair and Anson Paul are also in lead roles in 'Marco'. This action thriller film has been written and directed by Hanif Adeni. Along with Hindi, Kabir Duhan Singh has also worked in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam language films. He also worked in the Bollywood film 'Khaali Peeli' in 2020.
Image Credit: India_Tv.